Zurich, Switzerland

May 19 - 23, 2025

Visit us at the CIMAC Congress

Sie finden uns hier:

  • Kongresshalle
  • Stand 35

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Trafag is where you are

Please get in touch with us

Treffen Sie uns an unserem Stand

Rohail Munir

Business Manager

Trafag Deutschland

Andreas Koch

Head of product management and marketing
Trafag Hauptsitz

Sandro Bonifacio

Head of sales

Trafag Hauptsitz

Who we are and what we do

Take a quick first glance at our assortment:

About the CIMAC Congress

The CIMAC Congress is an international trade event that brings together experts from the combustion engine and energy technology industry every two to three years to discuss innovations, emission control and sustainable solutions in engine and power generation.
